What can YOU do to support community healing and wellness?
Support Local Community Projects!
Supporting local initiatives such as the construction of spaces for youth social engagement, accessible youth athletics programs, and youth mentorship programs is how communities are moving the needle towards community wellness. By providing opportunities for our local youth and young adults to connect in healthy and supportive ways, we are also providing protection from the long-term impacts of adversity. Social networks, physical movement, outdoor activities, and a sense of purpose are the ingredients for overall personal wellness.
Appalachian Recovery Concepts is a proud supporter of the
Cumberland Skatepark Project and Iron Mountain Roller Derby.
Your donation will help to ensure that these programs don't disappear!
Here are a few fun facts highlighting the benefit of community skateparks...
There are 8.8 million skateboarders in the US. Up 34% from 2019. This does not account for the many other skatepark users: BMX riders, roller/quad skaters, in-line skaters, Wheelchair Motocross riders (WCMX), scooter riders and more.
(Sports & Fitness Industry Association 2021 Single Sport Report on Skateboarding)
The Skatepark Project has seen a 700% increase in skatepark project support requests from advocates and municipalities since the inclusion of Skateboarding and freestyle BMX in the Olympic Games. (skatepark.org)
Skateboarding is the third most reported interest for high school students (24% of girls, and 17% of boys). (Aspen Institute National Student Survey Analysis 2021)
Skateparks are the fourth most used recreation space in terms of total weekly use hours.
(The First National Study on Neighborhood Parks - Implications of Physical Activity)
Skateboarding improves mental health. A recent study from The Skatepark Project and USC revealed that 76% of people skate to have fun, and 62% skate to get away from stress.
(University of Southern California - Beyond The Board Study)
Time outdoors spent in parks and open spaces, engages children in informal, experiential learning through play and shared experiences with peers, thereby, laying the foundation for effective formal education.
(NRPA - Children in Nature)
Skateboarding and skateparks facilitate a sense of community among skaters – Skateboarders reported the value of connecting with people who share similar passions in skateparks, skate shops, and at skating events. Those encounters often facilitate intercultural communication and offer skaters the opportunity to interact with, and gain an increased understanding of, skaters of diverse racial, age and gender backgrounds.
(University of Southern California - Beyond The Board Study)
The biggest predictor of sport participation is the parents' income. Only 27.5 percent of children from homes with incomes under $25,000 a year play sports compared to the 45.5 percent of kids from homes with incomes greater than $100,000 a year. (Aspen Institute)
Skateboarding is the third least expensive sport (out of 21 of the most popular sports, annual average spending on one child, behind only track and field and flag football).
(Aspen Institute/Utah State University 2019 National Youth Sports Survey of 1,032 youth sport parents)
A 2011 study found a positive link between the overall population’s physical activity and the supply of sports facilities within a major city.
(European Review of Aging and Physical Activity)
Gender and race matter – The study also showed that skaters of color felt a greater degree of safety from judgment within the skateboarding community than in non-skate contexts.
(University of Southern California - Beyond The Board Study)
“Skateboarding is a pro-social activity that provides an opportunity for relationship building both non-verbally and verbally.”
(Dr. Emily Wang, Ph.D., R. Psych. Hull Services, Calgary)